welcome to camp reynal

We are excited to welcome you as a counselor for Camp Reynal 2025!
Thank you for volunteering at Camp Reynal 2025! We can't wait to see our old friends and meet our new ones!
Get ready for an amazing week that our campers look forward to all year!
This year, we will have Theme Night and Party Night once again! For our new volunteers, these are two separate nights at camp where we encourage you to get into character and help make the night special for your campers! The camp theme is "Olympics" for both Theme and Party Night! The traditional Party Night shirt (pictured to the right) will be provided for everyone to wear. We encourage counselors to accessorize and be as festive as possible! Many counselors will wear themed outfits and props to help bring the nights to life for the campers. Think athletic apparel, headbands, bandannas, sporty items , etc., just make sure all items are camp appropriate.
You can find our volunteer training manual here. It is required you read this information prior to your arrival at counselor orientation. After you have read the volunteer training manual, please sign the required form sent to your email address titled "Camp Reynal Code of Ethics - Signature Required." This form is linked to your application, so please DO NOT change your name in the form when you sign it.
All counselors are expected to arrive at Camp John Marc on Saturday, May 25th at 9:00 am. If you need to carpool to camp, please fill out the form HERE and we will try to assist in finding you a ride to camp.
If you have not received an email asking you to enter information for a background check, please email us so we can verify your email address and resend it. You will also receive another email this week to take an abuse prevention online course and test (required every 2 years). The email will come from [email protected], so please check your spam folder if you cannot locate it. Please complete these 2 tasks as soon as possible. You may not attend counselor training on May 25th without first fulfilling these requirements.
Finally, counselor orientation will be held at Camp John Marc in the Silo for both new and returning counselors. Below is a map with directions to camp. Please make sure you follow the map instructions carefully! GPS' can lead you down some very rough and undesirable roads. Be aware of speed traps, especially in Rio Vista. New counselors will also need to attend our new counselor orientation via Zoom (please complete form below if you did not receive an email with the link).
We can't wait to see everyone in a few short weeks! Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at [email protected]!
~Eric Benenson, Ben Burke, and Madison Jennings
Camp Reynal Directors
Eric's Cell - 469-995-5391
Ben's Cell - 817-907-7380
Madison's Cell - 443-474-7457
Helpful Links:
New Counselor Orientation Signup
Carpool/Travel Request Form
Packing List
Map to Camp John Marc
Volunteer Training Manual
Dietary Request Form - Due No Later than May 4, 2025
Thank you for volunteering at Camp Reynal 2025! We can't wait to see our old friends and meet our new ones!
Get ready for an amazing week that our campers look forward to all year!
This year, we will have Theme Night and Party Night once again! For our new volunteers, these are two separate nights at camp where we encourage you to get into character and help make the night special for your campers! The camp theme is "Olympics" for both Theme and Party Night! The traditional Party Night shirt (pictured to the right) will be provided for everyone to wear. We encourage counselors to accessorize and be as festive as possible! Many counselors will wear themed outfits and props to help bring the nights to life for the campers. Think athletic apparel, headbands, bandannas, sporty items , etc., just make sure all items are camp appropriate.
You can find our volunteer training manual here. It is required you read this information prior to your arrival at counselor orientation. After you have read the volunteer training manual, please sign the required form sent to your email address titled "Camp Reynal Code of Ethics - Signature Required." This form is linked to your application, so please DO NOT change your name in the form when you sign it.
All counselors are expected to arrive at Camp John Marc on Saturday, May 25th at 9:00 am. If you need to carpool to camp, please fill out the form HERE and we will try to assist in finding you a ride to camp.
If you have not received an email asking you to enter information for a background check, please email us so we can verify your email address and resend it. You will also receive another email this week to take an abuse prevention online course and test (required every 2 years). The email will come from [email protected], so please check your spam folder if you cannot locate it. Please complete these 2 tasks as soon as possible. You may not attend counselor training on May 25th without first fulfilling these requirements.
Finally, counselor orientation will be held at Camp John Marc in the Silo for both new and returning counselors. Below is a map with directions to camp. Please make sure you follow the map instructions carefully! GPS' can lead you down some very rough and undesirable roads. Be aware of speed traps, especially in Rio Vista. New counselors will also need to attend our new counselor orientation via Zoom (please complete form below if you did not receive an email with the link).
We can't wait to see everyone in a few short weeks! Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at [email protected]!
~Eric Benenson, Ben Burke, and Madison Jennings
Camp Reynal Directors
Eric's Cell - 469-995-5391
Ben's Cell - 817-907-7380
Madison's Cell - 443-474-7457
Helpful Links:
New Counselor Orientation Signup
Carpool/Travel Request Form
Packing List
Map to Camp John Marc
Volunteer Training Manual
Dietary Request Form - Due No Later than May 4, 2025
Camp Reynal Song
Dance Moves for Camp Reynal song. Practice Makes Perfect!